How the heck is this on NG? It is seriously so good. The glitch effects, the arp, the build-up, the basses and growls. They made me tear a little ngl xD
Gj and hf with your next projects! 'Cannot wait.
How the heck is this on NG? It is seriously so good. The glitch effects, the arp, the build-up, the basses and growls. They made me tear a little ngl xD
Gj and hf with your next projects! 'Cannot wait.
Nice work for a first melodic riddim track! Maybe put 8-bit arps that burst out every 2 beats would make this bouncier. I think your style fits that a lot.
Starting to notice similar sounds between songs, so I will ask you if it is the fruit of Caustic's premade presets or simple presets you have made yourself.
Have a nice day! \(OwO)/
Thank you :)
If you're really interested in knowing which sounds were premade or not, I could send you a video of this project breakdown with some explanations and stuff. Just send a DM and the video will be yours lol
This needs the 'MVST DIE!' snare. Would make this so good! Nice track nonetheless.
Quite the bop, my guy. Good job! Fat bass as usual ;)
Buona fortuna, fra!
Grazie! :D
Repetitive and weird sounding. At least it is something I have never heard before though.
Also this isn't really what I would consider Drum N Bass, but more ambient or miscellaneous.
Yes I know I just couldn’t decide
Nice job! Very good harmony, the melody is catchy and the mastering is top-notch.
Keep that up!
Not bad at all. Maybe more variations for the hi-hats could make it more interesting.
Nice work!
The drums are pretty distorted, which is a problem that could be fixed by sidechaining some of the instruments. This has so much potential!
Thanks, I'll try my best next time 😁
not that bad
Good morning, afternoon and evening!
I'm Espyo (formerly SpeedoRH) and I am your regular dubstep/EDM enthusiast.
Here you'll find plenty of music of mine, good and bad. So if you're here to either vibe or cringe, feel free to stop by!
My DAW is FL Studio
Part-time musician
UK (formerly Italy)
Joined on 6/25/17